NutriFund International is a 501(c)(3) organization with EIN 83-1924834. Your gift is a tax deductible contribution to the fullest extent of the law.
Many businesses match charitable contributions to 501c3 organizations, please check with your employer to see if you can double your impact!
Tips for Donating
1. Choose the amount you would like to donate. You can either choose from preset amounts, or put any amount in in the empty box.
2. Choose whether you would like to donate the selected amount one-time, monthly, or annually. If you choose monthly, the amount will be charged once immediately and once per month afterwards. (For example if you donate on the 5th, you will be charged once immediately and then every month on the 5th)
3. After clicking next, enter your name and email
4. On the final screen, enter your credit and/or debit card information. If you would prefer to not donate using a credit or debit card, please contact us and we will gladly accommodate your preferred method of donation.
If something isn't working, or you are having any issues, let us know!